Friday, 25 March 2011

EBooks in the Healthcare Library

An increasing number of books are now available electronically through your SLHT NHS Athens Account and the Library Catalogue. Please use the direct links below to access selected titles or follow the instructions to view all available titles.

Oxford handbook of endocrinology and diabetes 2nd Edition; Turner, HE (2009)

Oxford handbook of respiratory medicine 2nd Edition; Chapman, S (2009)

Oxford handbook of reproductive medicine and family planning McVeigh, E (2008)

The doctor's communication handbook 5th Edition; Tate, P (2007)

Oxford handbook of clinical medicine 7th Edition; Longmore, M (2007)

Anesthesiology Longnecker, DE (2007)

Paediatrics : a core text on child health 2nd Edition; Waterston, T (2006)

Essential guide to acute care 2nd Edition; Cooper, N (2006)

If you would like to browse a full list of available titles, please follow these instructions
  • Access the SLHT Library Catalogue at
  • Select the Advanced Search option
  • Use the drop-down "type" menu and select "website". Make sure you are searching in a single library (i.e Queen Elizabeth / Queen Mary's)
  • Select "Search"
  • Click on "URL" to access the full electronic text of any titles you are interested in
  • Enter your SLHT NHS Athens Username and Password
  • Contact the library if you have any questions