Friday, 29 January 2010

New access to online journals for 2010!

Just a quick update to inform you that we have converted some of our current journal subscriptions to e-journals meaning you can access them from the comfort of your own home via your Athens account.

The following journals are now available online simply click the link to be taken to the journal's main page:

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine

British Journal of Surgery

Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: UK Edition

Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery: US Edition


New England Journal Of Medicine

Nursing Standard

Nursing Times

Orthopaedics and Trauma



If you're a member of QE or NHS Greenwich staff and would like to access these journals but don't yet have an Athens please contact the library to arrange setting up an account.

Friday, 22 January 2010

Information Skills Training Courses Schedule 2010

Please find below a link to the Information Skills group training courses on offer from Feb - Apr 2010: (cut and paste this address into your browser if the link doesn't work)

The results of the Information Skills Training survey sent out in December indicated a high interest in healthcare databases, especially at the improvers level, so three of these courses have been arranged in the next three months. A series of Wednesday Workshops have also been set up for topics where there is interest but less content to merit a full training session.

All courses and workshops are:

- Free
- Open to anyone working for South London Healthcare NHS Trust and/or NHS Greenwich/Greenwich Community
Health Services
- Held in the Computer Suite at the Healthcare Library on the Queen Elizabeth, Woolwich site
- Held in groups of between 3 - 6 participants
- A mix of presentation, practical activities and (hopefully) lively discussion!

You will get a certificate of attendance for participating.

Contact Sian Aynsley, Information Skills Trainer for further information or to sign up for a course. Please ensure you do let us know you are coming so we can be sure to have enough materials for everyone on the day.

Contact details are in the link above.

Monday, 18 January 2010

NLM announces mobile MedlinePlus

A new development that may be of interest to patients and their doctors for medical information on the go:

Wondering what the side effects are for your new prescription? Go to Mobile MedlinePlus while you're waiting for the pharmacist to fill your order!

Visit Mobile MedlinePlus during your train ride to work to read the latest news on diabetes. Or, the next time you're in your doctor's waiting room, visit the "Talking With Your Doctor" page on Mobile MedlinePlus to learn how to get the most out of your visit.

[I]ncludes a subset of content from the full Web site. It includes summaries for over 800 diseases, conditions and wellness topics as well as the latest health news, an illustrated medical encyclopedia, and information on prescription and over-the-counter medications.

There is a link to Mobile MedlinePlus from the MedlinePlus homepage, as well as an FAQ that includes special instructions for Blackberry users. Use the Contact Us link at the bottom of any page on Mobile MedlinePlus to send us feedback.

Wherever you are, Mobile MedlinePlus puts reliable health information at your fingertips.
Thanks To / Naomi Miller / Manager / Consumer Health Information / National Library of Medicine

Source And Links Available At
[ ]

Forwarded by:
Gerry McKiernan
Associate ProfessorScience and Technology Librarian
Iowa State University Library
Ames IA 50011

Monday, 11 January 2010

Free trial of Ebsco products available

Your NHS Athens account now provides you with access to a 3 month trial for the following EBSCO products:


MEDLINE with Full Text

Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection: HOST

Please visit for more information about the products and how to access.

The trial ends 14 March 2010. Please let us know what you think!

Information Skills Training courses 2010 Survey

Only one week left to take part in the Information Skills Training courses 2010 survey. YOU decide what goes on the syllabus this year! The survey is very short and will take less than 5 minutes to complete. It is available online at and if you want more information about the potential courses on offer please visit The survey closes at 5pm on Friday 15 Jan 2010.

Results of the survey will be emailed out next week to anyone who requests feedback and the new group training schedule will be published before the end of January. Individual sessions are of course always available at a date/time of your choice. Contact Sian Aynsley, Information Skills Trainer on 0208 836 6742 or if you're interested or want more info.