Thursday, 17 September 2009

More free clinical e-books available now

This is one for the doctors (yes, you know who you are!) who don't have time to read through a whole book to find the information you need and don't have the energy to lug a massive hardback medical textbook to and from the library every day. Help is at hand through a free e-book trial of some major clinical titles at MD Consult. Visit for a full list of the e-books on offer.

Access couldn't be easier. All you need is your Athens account:

- Login to using your Athens username and password
- Select "Resources"
- Select "Local Resources"
- Select "MD Consult"
- Select Books and either browse be specialty or by author.

This trial access will only run until 14th October but if you think any or all of these titles may be a good addition to the Healthcare Library, do let us know!

Tel: 0208 836 6742

Trial for Made Incredibly Easy! e-books available

The Made Incredibly Easy! series aims to demystify subjects such as cardiovascular care or ECG interpretation and is a great introduction to some of the most common topics in healthcare. We have a free trial of nearly 40 titles in the Made Incredibly Easy! series, which are listed below. If you think any of these would be a useful addition to the Healthcare Library at Queen Elizabeth, or think we should have electronic access to the whole lot please let us know.

ACLS Review Made Incredibly Easy!
Anatomy & Physiology Made Incredibly Easy!
Anatomy & Physiology Made Incredibly Visual!
Assessment Made Incredibly Easy!
Best of Incredibly Easy!
Breath Sounds Made Incredibly Easy!
Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Easy!
Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Visual!
Clinical Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy!
Critical Care Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!
Diagnostic Tests Made Incredibly Easy!
Dosage Calculations Made Incredibly Easy!
ECG Interpretation Made Incredibly Easy!
Emergency Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!
Fluids and Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy!
Fundamentals of Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!
Health Assessment Made Incredibly Visual!
Heart Sounds Made Incredibly Easy!
Hemodynamic Monitoring Made Incredibly Visual!
I.V. Therapy Made Incredibly Easy!
Maternal-Neonatal Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!
Medical Spanish Made Incredibly Easy!
Medical Terminology Made Incredibly Easy!
Medical-Surgical Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!
Medication Administration Made Incredibly Easy!
Nursing Care Planning Made Incredibly Easy!
Nursing Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy!
Nursing Procedures Made Incredibly Easy!
Nursing Student Success Made Incredibly Easy!
Nutrition Made Incredibly Easy!
Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Easy!
Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Visual!
Pediatric Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!
Psychiatric Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!
Respiratory Care Made Incredibly Easy!
Surgical Care Made Incredibly Visual!
Wound Care Made Incredibly Easy!
Wound Care Made Incredibly Visual!

To access:

- Login to using your NHS Athens username and password.
- Select Books at Ovid
- Search for information on a specific topic or select "Books" to browse by title or subject

Any questions, or if you need an Athens account, contact the Healthcare Library on 0208 836 6742 or

Free training courses available

Ever find yourself wishing your search for information was a little more ... fruitful?

If so, go no further than your local Healthcare Library at Queen Elizabeth Woolwich and sign up to one of the information skills training courses we have on offer in the next few months! Courses are available from beginners level to advanced and you're sure to learn something new.

For more details about the courses on offer and the dates and times available, please visit:

And if you don't see a course, date and/or time that suits, just contact us and we can arrange a one-to-one session on a topic of your choice at a time that suits your schedule. Contact Sian Aynsley, Information Skills Trainer on 0208 836 6742 or email

Don't forget: every participant gets a certificate of attendance and tea and biscuits will be available on the day!